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Superior, WI – In a unanimous vote, a committee of the Douglas County Board of Supervisors voted to forward a resolution calling on UW Regents and Governor Walker to rescind program suspensions and warnings at UW-Superior.  The resolution will be voted on by the entire Douglas County Board on the 21st.  This resolution comes as students and community members mount increasing pressure on the administration to reverse their October 31st announcement to suspend 25 programs and put 15 others on warning. 

Members of AFT Local 6514, the faculty and staff union at UW-Superior, attended the meeting and


Superior, WI – On Halloween, faculty, staff, and students at the University of Wisconsin in Superior were blindsided by the administration’s blanket announcement to suspend nine majors, fifteen minors, and one masters program.  Fifteen additional programs were put on “warning” for suspension.  These program suspensions are the latest in a string of brazen attacks on public higher education in Wisconsin, and have sparked student protests and an online petition that has garnered more than 5,300 signatures. 

In a series of forums and a public announcement, the UW-Superior administration justified


The following statement was released today by the AAUP and AFT-Wisconsin:

A series of recent actions taken by Governor Scott Walker, the Wisconsin state legislature, and the University of Wisconsin system board of regents represents a concerted attack on the university as a public good and on the university’s role in fostering democratic participation. The stewards of the university system appear determined to destroy it.

In 2011, Governor Walker proposed, and the legislature passed, Act 10, curtailing the system faculty’s rights to negotiate collectively. In 2015, the legislature severely


United Faculty and Academic Staff (UFAS), American Federation of Teachers Local 223, AFL-CIO, thanks everyone who has supported our campaign to end intimidation of workers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

We have exceeded our goal for petition signatures: over two months we have collected, online and on paper, over 500 signatures from supporters on the UW–Madison campus and elsewhere in the UW System, in the state of Wisconsin, and nationwide.

With such broad support, UFAS pledges to continue working to improve the pay, due process rights, and job security of academic staff and faculty at





The Constitution of the State of Wisconsin provides for “the establishment of a state university at or near the seat of state government, and for connecting with the same, from time to time, such colleges in different parts of the state as the interests of education may require.” And state law furthermore calls on the University of Wisconsin “to develop human resources, to discover and disseminate knowledge, to extend knowledge and its application beyond the boundaries of its

According to Dr. Michael Rosen, a retired economics instructor and prominent critic of for-profit colleges, “Thousands of economically disadvantaged students will be hurt by this veto. Wisconsin is now open for business for these predatory enterprises that are educational institutions in name only.”
As Wisconsin’s postsecondary education regulatory agency, the EAB’s mission was “To protect Wisconsin's consumers and support quality educational options.”
“The EAB has played a major role in monitoring and regulating higher education for-profit schools, and in doing so, protecting students from