Madison, WI – The AFT-Wisconsin Executive Board has endorsed the campaign to “Vote No” on the removal of the Office of the Wisconsin State Treasurer.
“I would encourage you to Vote NO on eliminating the position of State Treasurer,” said Dawn Totzke, a School Library Media Specialist in Chippewa Falls and member of AFT Local 1907. “Save the funding that supports your school libraries. And keep our financial watchdog over our state finances!”
Why does this matter to public education? Should this amendment pass in April, Wisconsin’s Common School Fund and University Fund will be at risk by giving the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor access to and the ability to repurpose funds away from public education.
“The Wisconsin State Constitution maintains a permanent school fund to support public education,” said AFT-Wisconsin President Kim Kohlhaas. “We need to protect that funding, and protect the tax payers by keeping our financial watchdog.”
Wren Keturi