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Convention 2023

The 88th AFT-Wisconsin Convention will be held virtually from October 24-28. The convention committee is excited to be able to host a virtual convention. The Convention Call will go out August 24, 60 days prior to convention (Article VIII) and it will include important information on how the virtual convention will operate. We will also host an orientation meeting this summer.  We will hold true to our mission to “strengthen the institutions in which we work, to improve the quality of services we provide and to bring together all members to assist and support one another.” We are making every effort to honor the spirit of engagement and democracy while offering opportunities for all locals to participate safely and affordably. 

Convention information can be found at or you can reach out to AFT-Wisconsin Executive Assistant Kathy Kreul at If you have questions or are interested in how you can participate in AFT-Wisconsin, please contact Kathy Kreul and she will connect you with a board member. 

Officer Nomination Form

Call for Nominations (Article IV)

Nominations for officers and the Executive Board are now open. Nomination papers and position descriptions are available online at Nominations must be submitted in compliance with AFT-Wisconsin Constitution up to, but no later than, October 17, 2023. A candidate position paper may be submitted to no later than October 17, 2023. 

AFT-W Executive Board Officer Descriptions:




Council Vice Presidents

Regional Vice Presidents

Submitting Constitution and Bylaw Amendments (Article XII, sections 1-3)

Proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws may be initiated by members, locals, councils, or the Executive Board. Proposed constitutional and bylaw amendments, and white papers explaining the rationale for the change, must be received no later than Thursday, August 24, 2023. Please email them to the AFT-Wisconsin office at  Kathy will acknowledge receipt of submission via email.

Submitting Resolutions

Members, locals, councils or the Executive Board may submit resolutions which will promote the interests of AFT-Wisconsin. All resolutions must be written in resolution form and signed by the person submitting. Complex resolutions should be accompanied by an explanation of intent so convention delegates can best understand the action which the resolution calls for. Submit resolutions electronically to Kathy will acknowledge receipt of the submission via email. Deadline for submitting resolutions is seven (7) days prior to convention, October 17.  There will be no resolutions allowed after October 17 and there will be no special orders of business during convention. This is a change from past conventions. The Executive Board may edit resolutions for clarity, make grammatical corrections, combine similar resolutions, or request additional information. Past convention resolutions are ongoing and available on the AFT-Wisconsin website or by contacting the office.

Registration (Article V)

Registration runs from September 1-30. Each local must be in compliance with the AFT-Wisconsin Constitution. Kathy Kreul will be sending compliance emails to the presidents and treasurers. Once delegates have been confirmed by their local leadership, they will receive information regarding how they can access all convention materials on-line. 

Constitutional/Bylaws Amendments Submitted

Resolutions Submitted

Nomination Forms Submitted

Important Dates to Remember

August 24: Deadline for constitutional and bylaws amendments, and Convention Call goes out

September 1: Convention Registration opens

September 20: AFT Executive Board meeting

September 30: Deadline for registration

October 1: Delegate list mailed to local president

October 10: Deadline for signed delegate list to be received in AFTW office

October 17: Deadline for nominations and resolutions

October 17: Deadline to submit position paper for nominations, and amendments will be sent to local presidents

October 18: Convention platform launches, registered delegates will receive email

October 24: Opening session and Committees, 6:30-9:00

October 25: Guest speakers and candidate speeches, 6:30-9:00

October 26: Council meetings if scheduled by council

October 28: Delegate Session, beginning at 8:30 and concludes when business is completed

October 30: Ballots mailed out to ranking delegate

November 17:  Ballots must be postmarked

November 27:  Elections Committee meets to count ballots

November 30:  Election Announcement

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